Cinderace Pokemon Unite Ultimate Guide | Held items, battle items moveset & stats

If you want to one-shot your opponents Pokemon then Cinderace is the best pokemon for you.

Here in this article I’ll show you how to upgrade your cinderace from the best pokemon to the beast.
First thing you need to do is to play with cinderace at training to let you understand the pokemon for the better. After playing some matches you get to know how much potential in this pokemon. Cinderace is a Fire-type pokemon which can shoot fireballs. Movesets of cinderace are quite powerful. For example, the feint option is quite fun as it dodges enemy attacks. Likewise every moveset has its own use.
What are the best held items for the cinderace in pokemon unite.
Personally, I prefer these three Held items. Even Though i did not max out these held items, it still destroys the enemies.
- Muscle Band
- Focus Band
- Razor Claw

Why Focus Band instead of Leftover? Pokemon unite.
Most of the people prefer leftover for the defense as it offers health which is good but the thing is it only heals when the pokemon is not in combat whereas focus band heals you when you are in low HP. Imagine being in an intense battle and your health is depleted to 1 HP then instantly because of focus band your health will be boosted to half of your total health.
Best Movesets for the Cinderace Pokemon ?
For me, I personally like the All the movesets but between pyro ball and blaze kick for me is the pyro ball man. The attack speed this pokemon has is just amazing. When you shoot a pyro ball just spam the basic attack you can easily take down opponents from a distance without breaking a sweat.
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