days of play – perfect time to buy ps5/ps4 games

DAYS OF PLAY known for its amazing playstation deals, exclusive discounts probably the best time to buy games on playstation store. playstation India mentioned that days of play starts from may 26th to june 9th. and this is the first sale after the release of playstation 5 console..

During the state of play some game developers relieved gameplay of their games like horizon forbidden west, which looks awesome BTW and we got a glimpse of far cry 6 from ubisoft. They revealed the release date of farcry 6 game is now available for pre-order and ready to play on october 7. dying light 2 gameplay also been revealed and is available for pre-order. releasing on december 07/2021

Grab these titles if you want save huge amounts of money: 75% discount on the playstation store

These are some of the best deals on playstation store during days of play.

Discounts are not only on the games but also on the IN-game skins and currrencies

APEX LEGENDS octane edition for 1049 has 1000 apex coins and a legendary octane skin or other edition like lifeline, bloodhound and gibraltor edition

NOTE :- These prices are during days of play after june 9

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